Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fit Girl's Guide: 28 Day Jumpstart!

Hello everyone! xoxo

It's been quite a while since I've updated my blog, but trust me, I'll make up for it.

For those of you who remember, I decided earlier in the year that I was going to work towards living a healthier lifestyle and lose weight (115lbs). Well, I've given up quite a few times, simply due to lack of motivation and pure laziness lol.

I've been seeing this Instagram account @fitgirlsguide all over my newsfeed, so after about 2 months, I've decided to give it a try. They have a handful of challenges, but I'm specifically trying out their "28 Day Jumpstart", which is in fact an eBook that gives you tips and guides you through the process of living a healthy lifestyle.

 In the book, it gives you all of these interesting recipes, easy/moderate workouts and you have the option to experience the program with other women around the world. They start a new "group challenge" every month. I just bought my eBook this morning, so I unfortunately missed the new group that began two days ago (August 10), so I will be starting this all on my own.

I really hope that I see SOME results from this program. I only invested $24.99, but I am still expecting a great outcome from this, especially after seeing all of the before and after photos of some of the past customers.

I will begin the challenge next week, and I will make sure to do an update for each week, so that you guys can see my progress. Yes, it is a 28 day challenge, so it will last for four weeks. WISH ME LUCK!!!!! xoxo

By the way, I turn the big 21 on August 16th(this Sunday)!!!!!!


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